Cromer Golf Club keeps residents happy with Eclipse 322

Cromer Golf Club, located on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, has combatted regular noise complaints from local residents by investing in an all-electric Jacobsen
Eclipse 322 greens mower.

The Eclipse 322 was purchased to combat noise complaints from local residents

Half of the bushland championship golf course is surrounded by the Wheeler Heights residential area, and after an abundance of complaints about the early
morning noise levels, Superintendent Leon Hennessy decided that action needed to be taken.

“I was getting phone calls at least once a week from residents who were not happy with being woken up early due to the noise that our machinery was creating.
I can understand their frustration to an extent, so with the club’s backing I decided it was time to do something about it,” Leon said.

“I did some research, and came across the Jacobsen Eclipse 322. After seeing it in action, I knew that it was the machine we needed. It is such a quiet
mower, which means that I can now be more effective with my mowing route, as I don’t need to worry about waking anyone up! The Eclipse 322 also provides
us with a better quality of cut than before; I had heard about the Jacobsen quality of cut, but I didn’t realise quite how good it was. This has only
been reiterated by our members during club championships, where the feedback on the quality of the greens has been astoundingly positive.”

Superintendent Leon Hennessy on the Eclipse 322 at Cromer Golf Club

Cromer Golf Club uses the 15-blade variant of the Eclipse 322, which also features electrically adjustable cutting frequencies and mow and transport speeds.
The innovative machine does not use hydraulic oil, thus eliminating the chance of leaks. A Hybrid variant of the Eclipse 322 is also available.

Commenting on the after-sales support, Leon said the local Jacobsen dealer — JT Turf — has been brilliant.

“The machine arrived on time and as expected, and I am confident that if we ever needed technical support, our dealer would be with us straight away to
help us out. I’m very happy with the purchase of our new machine and the process of acquiring the mower from JT Turf.”


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