‘The Groundsman’ changes hands

On May 24 Komma Media successfully acquired the exclusive rights from M.M.More Publications Pty Ltd to produce ‘The Groundsman’ magazine.

After 10 exciting, successful and thoroughly enjoyable years as the publishers of ‘The Groundsman’ the directors of M.M.More Publications, Amber Buhlmann
and Shannon Nicholls, decided it was time to sell.

‘The Groundsman’ started from humble beginnings, and only saw the success it did with the support of the fantastic people involved in the Australian Lawn
& Turf industry. Amber wished to thank all contributors of the magazine over the years.

“From the businesses who advertise, to the Councils, Golf Clubs, Bowling Clubs, Sporting Clubs, Turf Farms, Schools, Contractors and the everyday person,
whom have purchased The Groundsman on a bi-monthly basis over the past decade, we would have been nothing without you. We acknowledge this and would
like to sincerely thank you for it,” she said.

Clint Bowering, new owner of The Groundsman and proprietor of Komma Media, was grateful for the opportunity Amber and Shannon had provided.

“This is a huge opportunity, not just for Komma Media, but also for ‘The Groundsman’ magazine. There are a lot of ideas that Komma Media would like to
bring into the magazine to help it grow, and hopefully along with it the turf industry and it’s related subsidiary industries,” he said.

Clint has had over eight years experience working with M.M.More Publications to produce each issue of ‘The Groundsman’ so it only makes sense that Komma
Media now helps to continue the growth of The Groundsman — it is a partnership that has been ongoing for the last eight years.

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